Sambangan village located in the north of the island of Bali about 75 km from Denpasar.
The village is divided into 3 those are Banjar sambangan, Banjar Babakan, Banjar anyar. With reaching a population of approximately 4,805 people. The total area of 7.76 km, Sambangan village also has a very large potential for the field of tourism.
Why? Because sambangan village there are many high waterfalls that in wild green blanket around the waterfall which is located banyumale river.
Many villas and restaurants that began to stand, the local government began with establishment
of supporting infrastructure, as well as foreign and local investors looked to invest in the village sambangan like Santhi bar and restaurant, Alam amazing adventure, and much more.
That proves the development and growth of tourism in the village sambangan. Besides of waterfall expanse rice field and yellowing, local life and beautiful city of Singaraja and beaches you can see fro the top of the village.
The village is divided into 3 those are Banjar sambangan, Banjar Babakan, Banjar anyar. With reaching a population of approximately 4,805 people. The total area of 7.76 km, Sambangan village also has a very large potential for the field of tourism.
Why? Because sambangan village there are many high waterfalls that in wild green blanket around the waterfall which is located banyumale river.
Many villas and restaurants that began to stand, the local government began with establishment
That proves the development and growth of tourism in the village sambangan. Besides of waterfall expanse rice field and yellowing, local life and beautiful city of Singaraja and beaches you can see fro the top of the village.